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British medical student who fled to Syria praised Charlie Hebdo massacre and called for Sharia law

pakis with other passports are still just pakis

BBC Poll: 49% of Muslims endorse hate preachers; 11% support Jihad; 27% support Charlie Hebdo execution

Islamic state promise Palestinian dream to “take Rome”

UK dhimmihood: Muslims demand kafir body buried next to Muslim be exhumed

Video: Geert Wilders is fuming at the Dutch Parliament

Jerusalem in Photos from 1862: No mosques, no Palestinians – only ghost towns of massacred Christian areas

Mosems lie – what a surprise!!

Palestine-Israel Conflict

A new photographic exhibition in London follows the journey taken by England’s Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) in 1862, as he undertook a four month tour around the Middle East.

And as usual, no sign of mosques or active Palestinian presence as the decades old argument from the Palestinian side to keep up the saga to fight and occupy, for the sake of jihad and foreign aid.

In the exhibition we find more photographs from Jerusalem in 1862, when the so called “palestinians” allegedly were already 1 million in population on land they profess to have “lost to Jewish occupation” a few decades later. The only problem with this argument is that, as with all photographs up to the second decade of 1900’s, there are rarely any Muslims or mosques to be found on any photographs. The only mosque – and a confiscated synagogue converted after Muslim invasion…

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Muslim pedophilia ‘is the new normal’ in many UK cities and towns, protected by authorities

Ebola Is Mainly A Disease Amongst Muslims, While Islamic Burial Rituals Blamed For Rapid Spread Of Ebola

Dhimmitude: Vatican to hold Islamic prayers for the first time in history

4,000 Muslims in India Try to Stone PETA Members Wearing Vegetable Burqas Promoting Vegetarianism